
Funding a Solo 401k plan through payroll
Use Gusto? Carry has an automatic payroll integration available on Carry Pro subscription tiers for Gusto which currently supports single employee pa...
Solo 401k Over-Contributions
Contributions to a Solo 401k are limited by many factors, including annual limits, your business/self-employment profits, other 401(k) plans you may p...
How are Solo 401k limits calculated?
There are multiple factors that go into calculating your Solo 401k contribution limit. Let's break them down. The IRS sets contribution limits by cale...
How to update your Solo 401k Election
In order to be able to contribute to your Solo 401k for any year, you'll want to have an election for the year you're trying to contribute to. Your el...
How do I make a contribution to my Solo 401k?
We'll need to know the following: The amount you'd like to contribute Where the funds are coming from (a linked bank account, a manual ACH, or a wir...
What type of bank account should Solo 401k contributions come from?
For the Solo 401k plan, contributions can be funded from any linked bank account; however, your business or payroll / tax providers may require a cert...
Employee vs. Employer contributions
You'll often see Solo 401k contributions referred to as either "Employee" or "Employer" contributions. This can be confusing for many self-employed pe...
What if I make a solo 401k election but cannot make the full contribution by the deadline?
That is completely fine. You are allowed to contribute less than your elected amount (but not more). ​​The elections are typically maintained for audi...